Please be aware our ticketing systems will be undergoing scheduled maintenance between the hours of 23:00 on the 2nd March and 06.00 on Monday 3rd March. Please ensure to make purchases before these hours to avoid disappointment. 

Common Toad


General information

The Common Toad is known for their famous croaking vocals, their thick, warty skin and nocturnal activity. Young Common Toads prefer smaller insects such as aphids and as adults they consume a variety of invertebrates like earthworms, snails and crickets.

Around Valentine's Day, Common Toads take part in a mass migration to their breeding ponds. These tend to be large deep ponds. Due to the tadpoles containing toxins that make them unpleasant for predators to eat, they can survive living in the deep ponds containing fish.

New Forest Wildlife Park 66

Latin name - Bufo bufo

Class - Amphibia

Order - Anura

Family - Bufonidae

IUCN Status - Least Concern

Habitat - Woodlands, Scrub, Wetlands and gardens

Distribution - Across UK and Europe

Average Lifespan

Their wild life span is up to 4 years.


Busy roads blocking migration paths, leading to many killed on the road.

Fun Fact

They prefer to crawl rather than hop and hibernate over winter under log piles!

Our Residents

Our Common Toads are found on your left as you enter the Main Building. We currently have a breeding programme with a small group of adults producing spawn each spring. The young are then wild released into our wildlife pools on site!

NFWP Lowerres 07945

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